02 August 2012


How do you describe this picta?

An apple.

A red apple.

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.

Wah santek nyer epal nie :D

Lama tak makan epal.

Kalau dapat buat jus epal sodap ni jang.

Sebijik je?

Macam plastik je epal ni.

Berapakah kandungan vitamin yang terkandung dalam sebiji epal merah?


Semua statement kat atas ni betul mengenai epal. Ke ada yang salah?
Takde yang salah. Semua betul. Kan?

Everybody have their own perspectives about something.You can't say that they are all wrong and you are correct.

Because you don't have the perspective that they do have.

Respect others, accept each other.


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