13 April 2012


Siapa suka tengok Merlin angkat tangan! *saya #syoksendiri

Yes, I love this kind of story. Actually we can learn from this drama series. I follow the story since the first season but at the middle of season 2 I I stopped watching it, Urghh. 

Someone said this is kinda old school story. Oyeah?  

There are several things that I like the most and I learn from this drama and they are:

1. The most and the first thing that I like is the relationship between Arthur and Merlin. They are like bothers who always quarelling but they care about each other. Especially Merlin. 

2. The value that a leader must have. We can see it from King Arthur vs King Uther character. 

3. The loyalty and the spirit of the Knights of Camelot. 

4. I love how they sacrifice themselves to save others.

5. I love the faith that they have.

Actually there are many more. You will understand once you watch the series. 

Knight of Camelot. They are so brave, honest, loyal, and handsome of course!

Emrys. Haha. He is cute. 
King Arthur

Sir Lancelot, I admire you!

Merlin  <3


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