Seriously. I'm taking the risk,challenge myself to see how far I can go. Being a student + worker + unofficial housewife at a time. And today I decided to resigned. LOL!
Seems like I can't go on. I thought I can do my assignment or study the Physiology stuff after I came back from the clinic.But I end up by the books covering my face with the laptop still on. Thank God that my assignment still there because I haven't save them yet before I accidentally fall asleep. Until today, I have one day and a half to finished it.
I had make a timetable to manage the time but its excluded working time. So, I can't stick on the schedule.
Its not easy. When you go home, still need to study. And tomorrow morning you have to rush to do everything and send your child to school, cook, sapu sampah and so on.
Tapi yang paling penat mesti la abah. Balik kerja dia yang masak kalau aku tak ada. Lipat baju, susun, kemas rumah..
Memang tabik springgggg la kat orang yang ada family, ada anak kecik, bekerja tapi still boleh sambung study. Tapi anak-anak dengan family dia still terjaga. Tak terbiar. Wah! :O
Bukan nak merunut ke apa. Sendiri yang carik pasal kan. Orang lain cuti seronok-seronok, ang kena mengadap buku lagi. HAHA.
Takpe..cabaran ni. Orang lain tak pernah rasa. Pengalaman ni yang mematangkan kita. Menjadikan kita lebih dewasa. Menjadikan kita lebih tabah. Lepas ni belajar lagi teknik menjadi suri rumah yang baik ea.
Chaiyok MIMI! :D